Tuesday 23 February 2010

More Fairy Cakes

Yes, yes, I know we've got these covered already - but as a rainy day activity what better than these little spongey treats? ("more mixing mummy").

Pop them in the oven ("Ot, 'ot - burn your wingers" (we sometimes have trouble with the letter 'f'!)) then slather in white chocolate butter cream and go to town with the Barbie sprinkles.

A little too rich for small folk (shame eh? all the more for mummy...) but she was easily placated with a more suitable alternative so all's well that ends well...


  1. Mmmm, definitely up for some of those x

  2. Ooo those look Delicious! I'm following so I can see more treats like this!! :D

  3. No pressure then!! I promise to write up biscuits asap!!

  4. mmmm cake...can never post too much about cake.
